KYOTO Rising-Star Lectureship Award 2025

KYOTO Rising-Star Lectureship Award 2025


Starting from 2020, the MSD Life Science Foundation, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation established the “KYOTO Rising-Star Lectureship Award” which was given in 2020 -2022 to a young, yet promising professor in organic chemistry in each area. From 2023, the target area will be expanded to all over the world (excluding Japan), and two winners at the age of 38 or less will be selected.


The two winners receive a certificate and an invitation to present an award lecture after the award ceremony at Kyoto University. In addition, the winners give several additional lectures in other universities (Osaka University, Nagoya University, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, etc.) as the KYOTO Rising-Star Lectureship for one week or so.
The Lecture Tour Period is as follows:

  • First priority candidate:November 10~November 14, 2025
  • Second priority candidate:November 17~November 21, 2025

Application Process

The nomination period is March 1 ~April 10, 2025.

To nominate candidates, please send a document (as a Word file) containing the following elements to the following e-mail address:

  • The nominee’s name and current contact details (Nominee must belong to the research institute)
  • The nominee’s date of birth (Nominee must be at 38 years of age or less on April 10, 2025)

    • For life events (childbirth, childcare, nursing care), we will extend the upper limit of the age limit by the number of months equivalent to the interruption period.
  • The nominee’s website (absolutely necessary)
  • Short comments on the nominee’s achievement

Candidates recognized by the selection committee may be eligible for selection for the following year. The Secretariat will inform you if the candidate is eligible for carry-over for the following year.